Adventures in IPFS

Preface (just a shoutout) Firstly, before digging into the real meat of this post, I’d like to thank GuildDarts on GitHub for creating the incredible Docker Folders plugin for Unraid (which greatly helped me clean up my Docker container list). I found this plugin after creating a new IPFS Docker container, which rounded out a cluttered ~30 containers running on my Dell R620. With it, I was able to make a new Web3 category to store my new related containers in....

December 11, 2021 · 6 min · michaelpeterswa

LinuxGSM 7DaysToDie Tips

Issue This evening, I was struggling to access my new “7 Days To Die” server after provisioning a new Rocky Linux 8 VM to host it on. As a preface, I have plenty of experience hosting both bare-metal and VM game servers. For Steam games, my tool of choice is typically LinuxGSM by Daniel Gibbs. This is a fabulous piece of software that abstracts some of the nitty-gritty away (which definitely helps when running servers from multiple games)....

November 20, 2021 · 2 min · michaelpeterswa

Spaces vs. Tabs

The Question? Should a software engineer use tabs or spaces when writing code? The Answer? Use tabs, no really. In your favorite text-editor or IDE, simply set the tab length to 4 spaces. Why? Tabs take only one byte, whereas the equivalent (4 spaces) takes four bytes. Realistically, this doesn’t matter nowadays with compression, minification, and large HDD/SSD storage mediums available. Tabs allow you to set the visual-width to your liking....

November 14, 2021 · 1 min · michaelpeterswa